3Com 3C10220 Network Card User Manual

Solving EPS
If the LEDs on the EPS indicate a problem, see Table 6 for some suggested
Table 6 Solving EPS Problems
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Action
A Power LED does not
light, and you have NO
external DC voltage
Loose AC power
Verify that the power cable is firmly
connected to the EPS.
Verify that the other end of the
power cable is firmly connected to
the supply outlet.
No AC available
at outlet
If both of the connections are
secure and there is still no power to
the unit, verify (using a voltmeter or
some other device that uses AC
power) that power is available at
the AC outlet. If the outlet has no
power available, check for a
building power problem such as a
burned-out fuse or an open circuit
Faulty power
If power is available at the AC
outlet, but there is still no power to
the EPS, you may have a faulty
power cable. Substitute another
power cable.
Faulty EPS power
supply or faulty
If the power cable is not faulty, you
may have a faulty power supply
within the EPS, or a faulty power
LED. Contact an authorized 3Com