The 3Com Ethernet Power Source (EPS) provides power, over existing
Ethernet wiring, to devices such as NBX telephones and 3Com wireless
access points. The EPS can determine whether an Ethernet device can
accept power over the Ethernet cable, and supply power only to those
devices capable of accepting it.
The EPS:
■ Eliminates the need for AC outlets, Uninterrupted Power Supplies
(UPS), and AC/DC adapters
■ Can be used with the 3Com NBX 100 Communications System
business telephones and with 3Com’s wireless access points.
■ Is easy to add to your network
■ Allows you to manage power centrally
This chapter covers these topics:
■ Overview of the Ethernet Power Source
■ Front Panel Connections and LEDs
■ Rear Panel Connections
■ Guidelines for Network Configuration