LAN Settings 61
PPTP (DSL or Cable)
PPTP is only used by some European providers. If the installation
instructions that accompany your modern ask you to setup a dialup
connection using a PPTP VPN tunnel then select this option. To configure
the Router you will need to know the following:
■ User name
■ Password
■ VPN Server address(usually your moderm)
When you install the Router, you will not need to use the dialup VPN on
your PC anymore.
Heart Beat Signal(For Australia only)
It is a service used in Australia only. If you are using Heart Beat Signal
connection, check with your ISP for the necessary setup information.
User Name and Password
Enter the User Name and Password you use when logging onto your
ISP through a Heart Beat Signal connection.
Connection to ISP Before beginning this section, ensure you have the required information
from your ISP.
Select Internet Settings from the main menu to display Connection to ISP.
Choose an IP Allocation Mode from the drop down box.
Select an IP Allocation Mode from the following:
■ Static IP address (to be specified manually)
■ Dynamic IP address (automatically allocated)
■ PPPoE (used by DSL providers only)
■ PPTP (used by some European providers)
■ Heart Beat Signal(supported by some ISPs)