Appendix B - Configuration File Format
0120 L2_PROUT:P1 P1, P2, P3 (if exist) Port used by Logical Printer 2
0121 L2_PREST: Text [15] (hex) Pre-string LP 2
0122 L2_POSTR: Text [15] (hex) Post-string LP 2
0123 L2_CHGLF:No Yes, No Convert LF to LF/CR
0140 L3_PROUT:P1 P1, P2, P3 (if exist) Port used by Logical Printer 3
0141 L3_PREST: Text [15] (hex) Pre-string LP 3
0142 L3_POSTR: Text [15] (hex) Post-string LP 3
0143 L3_CHGLF:No Yes, No Convert LF to LF/CR
0160 L4_PROUT:P1 P1, P2, P3 (if exist) Port used by Logical Printer 4
0161 L4_PREST: Text [15] (hex) Pre-string LP 4
0162 L4_POSTR: Text [15] (hex) Post-string LP 4
0163 L4_CHGLF:No Yes, No Convert LF to LF/CR
0180 L5_PROUT:P1 P1, P2, P3 (if exist) Port used by Logical Printer 5
0181 L5_PREST: Text [15] (hex) Pre-string LP 5
0182 L5_POSTR: Text [15] (hex) Post-string LP 5
0183 L5_CHGLF:No Yes, No Convert LF to LF/CR
0200 L6_PROUT:P1 P1, P2, P3 (if exist) Port used by Logical Printer 6
0201 L6_PREST: Text [15] (hex) Pre-string LP 6
0202 L6_POSTR: Text [15] (hex) Post-string LP 6
0203 L6_CHGLF:No Yes, No Convert LF to LF/CR
0220 L7_PROUT:P1 P1, P2, P3 (if exist) Port used by Logical Printer 7
0221 L7_PREST: Text [15] (hex) Pre-string LP 7
0222 L7_POSTR: Text [15] (hex) Post-string LP 7
0223 L7_CHGLF:No Yes, No Convert LF to LF/CR
0240 L8_PROUT:P1 P1, P2, P3 (if exist) Port used by Logical Printer 8
0241 L8_PREST: Text [15] (hex) Pre-string LP 8
0242 L8_POSTR: Text [15] (hex) Post-string LP 8
0243 L8_CHGLF:No Yes, No Convert LF to LF/CR
2000 NOP_MODE:PS PS, RP NetWare mode
Print Server (PS)or Remote
Printer (RP)
2001 NFREthII:Enable Enable, Disable Ethernet II frame type
2002 NFR802.2:Enable Enable, Disable 802.2 frame type
2003 NFR802.3:Enable Enable, Disable 802.3 frame type
2004 NFRSNAP :Enable Enable, Disable SNAP frame type
2101 NFS_NAME: Text [20] Master file server
2102 N_NOTIFY:No Yes, No Notification by node address
2103 N_FREQ :1 Numeric[0..255] Polling queue interval
2110 NDS_TREE: Text [39] NDS Tree Name
2111 NCONTEXT: Text [235] NDS context
2501 NR_NAME1: Text [19] NetWare Print Server for
parallel port 1
2502 NR_NAME1: Text [19] NetWare Print Server for
parallel port 2
2503 NR_NAME1: Text [19] NetWare Print Server for
serial port