Installing ATM Software for Windows 95
ANA-5910/5930/5940 User’s Guide
Stock Number: 510694-00, Rev. C Page: 7-5
Print Spec Number: 493081-00
Current Date: 5/28/97 ECN Date: 05/29/97
Removing Adaptec ATM Software for
Windows 95
To remove Windows 95 drivers
Click the Start button, click Settings, and then click Control
Double-click the Network icon.
Select the Adaptec LANE Adapter you want to remove, click
Remove, and click OK.
The System Settings Change help message box appears.
Click Yes to restart your computer.
MTU Size Select a maximum transfer unit of 1516 or
9234 from the list. Use 9234 only if the LES/
BUS supports it.
Peak Cell Rate The peak cell rate is the rate, in Mb/sec, at
which cells are transferred. Type a number
from 0 to 353208 in the text box. The 0 value
defaults to the full line rate of the NIC. Use
58962 for 25 Mb/sec; use 353208 for 155
Port Index The default value is 0.
The Port Index setting
is not implemented at this time.
Server Address Type the address of the LECS or LES in the
text box; 20-byte, 40 hex characters in dotted
decimal format. The default value is the
ATM Forum Well-Known Address.
Server Type Select LECS from the list if the server is a
configuration server; select LES if the server
is the LAN Emulation Server.
UNI Version Select a User-Network Interface (UNI)
version from the list. (The UNI version
specified must be compatible with the
switch or concentrator.)
Property Value