700-701-100-02 Firmware Download Utility
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 63
Initiate the Download and Navigate the Menus
To initiate the download process, go to the DOS prompt and type: dnl. Table 32 describes ETSI Firmware User
Selectable Download Menu Options.
Table 33 describes how to navigate within the ETSI Firmware Download menu.
Download progress messages include:
• program size
• download time
• program checksum
• line-unit response
• time out message (posted if the line unit does not response within five seconds; when this occurs, the
download operation is aborted).
While downloading, the line or desktop unit front panel LEDs all light, then a binary count sequence indicates
progress. When downloading is complete, the unit resets.
Table 32. ETSI Firmware User Selectable Download Menu Options
Option Description
PORT Provides support for two communication ports:
COM1 at Hex 3F8
COM2 at HEX 2F8
SPEED Supports Standard (9600 bit/s), Medium (19.2K kbps), Fast (38.4 kbps), Faster
(57.6 kbps) and TURBO (115.2 kbps) speeds. The number of data bits is fixed at 8,
with no parity and 1 stop bit.
DESTINATION The destination can be set to one of the following:
LOCAL (unit connected to the maintenance terminal)
LTU (LTU unit)
NTU (NTU unit)
NTU2 (NTU2 unit, in case of point-to-multipoint download)
Enter the firmware download file name.
(a) FILE NAME can be changed by pressing the key, then typing the new file name. Once in the FILE NAME field,
the download setup can be aborted only by typing
+ . After typing the new file name, press the
key to start the download sequence.
Table 33. Navigating the ETSI Firmware Download Menu
Keystroke Result
or Change a setting, with the exception of the FILE NAME setting.
and Move from field to field.
Abort setup and returns to the DOS prompt.
Start the download process.
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