24 Equipment Description
Off-Line Mode Menus
The following diagram is a quick reference to the LCD menus described on the next few pages.
Configuration Menu Diagnostics Menu Write Flash Memory Mode Serial Dnld Flash Mode
Buzzer Configuration Drive Type
ErrAlarm Yes/No Error Counters*
Kybd Yes/No Event Counters*
Set SCSI ID Operation Log*
Library’s SCSI ID: X (0-7) Firmware Revision
Product Sign-On Serial Number*
EXB-480: N Yes/No Pos Picker at Slot
Off-Line Time Row rr, Slot ss (rr = 01-04, ss = 01-12)
Max time 1-99 minutes Pos Picker at Mbox **
Init Map Slots MB Row rr, Slot ss (rr = 01-02, ss = 01--5)
Yes Yes/No Pos Picker at Drv
Init Scan Barcodes Drv Row rr, Drv dd (rr = 01, dd = 01-04)
Yes Yes/No Pick From Slot
Barcode Scanner Row rr, Slot ss (rr = 01-04, ss = 01-12)
Enable Yes/No Pick From Mailbox **
MB Row rr, Slot ss (rr = 01-02, ss = 01--5)
Pick From Drive
Drv Row rr, Drv dd (rr = 01, dd = 01-04)
Place In Slot
Row rr, Slot ss (rr = 01-04, ss = 01-12)
Place In Mailbox **
MB Row rr, Slot ss (rr = 01-02, ss = 01--5)
Place In Drive
Drv Row rr, Drv dd (rr = 01, dd = 01-04)
Map Slots
Scan Bar Codes Yes/No
Calibrate X and Y
Test Secondary Fan
Open Drive Door
Close Drive Door
* not implemented at this time
** If equipped with Mailbox