66 Specifications
model DLT2000XT
model DLT4000
model DLT7000
Data Capacity: Up to 30 GB per 1800 ft cartridge (DLT2000XT)
Up to 40 GB per 1800 ft cartridge (DLT4000)
Up to 70 GB per 1800 ft cartridge (DLT7000)
Up to 1.68 TeraBytes – Scalar 224 (with 24 cartridge slots full)
Up to 3.36 TeraBytes – Scalar 448/458 (with 48 cartridge slots full)
Data Transfer Rate: 2.5 MB/sec. sustained (600 MB/min., 4 DLT2000XT drives)
3.0 MB/sec. sustained (720 MB/min., 4 DLT4000 drives)
5.0 MB/sec. sustained (1.2 GB/min., 4 DLT7000 drives)
Media type: DLT ½-inch, metal-particle cartridges
Cartridge Change: 8 seconds
Indicators/Controls: 8 key keypad with LCD menu display, 2 LOCKED LEDs, to monitor and control
system status, diagnostics and configuration
Interface: SCSI-2, Fast SCSI-2, Differential Serial
Use cleaning cartridge whenever Use Cleaning Tape message is announced on a
drive front panel
MSBF: Greater than 1,000,000 cartridge changes (net, drive and media) with scheduled
MTBF: More than 50,000 power-on hours
MTTR: Within 30 minutes
Dimensions: 19.0" (w) x 23.0" (d) x 40.5" (h)
Weight: 151 lb. (Scalar 458 w/2 drives)
Shipping Weight: 307 lb. (Scalar 458 w/2 drives)
Power Consumption:
Less than 100 Watts
Electrical: 100-120/220-240 Vac, 4.0/2.0 Amps, 50/60 Hz
Temperature: 25° C to 40° C (Operating)
-40° C to 70° C (Storage/Shipping)
Humidity: 5% to 80% RH, non-condensing (Operating)
90% maximum (Storage/Shipping)
Vibration: 0.3 g peak, 5-500 Hz, swept sine; 0.0002 g (sq.)/Hz, 5-350 Hz (Operating)
0.01 g continuos, 0.50 g peak (Storage/Shipping)
Shock: 3 g for 15 ms, ½ sine (Operating)
20 g peak 3 ms ½ sine (Storage/Shipping)