aci_scratch_info 4-111
21 Dec 2001
Figure 4-101 Example of the aci_scratch_get Function
The aci_scratch_info function gets information about a scratch
pool. See Figure 4-102.
Figure 4-102 aci_scratch_info Function Call
Query information regarding the scratch pool with the name
subpool, or the default scratch pool, if the subpool name is not
specified. The information returns the number of volsers
defined in the pool and the number of volsers that have been
selected as scratch. Refer to Table 4-45 on page 4-112.
For additional information, refer to
aci_scratch_unset on page 4-116.
/* Get volser of new scratch media */
int rc;
char *pszPoolName = "";
enum aci_media type = ACI_3590;
char szVolser[ACI_VOLSER_LEN];
rc = aci_scratch_get (pszPoolName, type, pszVolser);
if( rc )
aci_perror ("Command failed: ");
printf ("Scratch volser %s found.\n", szVolser);
#include "aci.h"
int aci_scratch_info( char *subpool,
enum aci_media type,
long *volcount,
long *scratchcount )