5-10 DAS ACI 3.0 Asynchronous Support Layer
The database entry for the volume is not deleted, and the
position in the AML that the volume occupied remains
reserved for insertion of a volume with a matching volser.
This could be useful if the volume is temporarily ejected and
will be inserted in the near future. In such case, the position
remains reserved and the volume’s location within the AML
does not change.
The eject will stop, when the eject area is full. The request will
either be cancelled or completed after the area is marked
empty depending on the DAS_EJECTAREAFULL
environment variable.
The asi_async_add function with the das_eject_complete
parameter ejects volumes and removes the database entries.
See Figure 5-8.
Figure 5-8 aci_async_add Function with the das_eject_complete Parameter
Eject the volumes in volser_range to the eject_area. The media
type of the volumes must match that of the eject_area. Set type
to the media type of the volser_range. The database entry for
the volume is deleted, and the position in the AML that the
volume occupied becomes free. This could be useful if the
volume is to be placed in long-term archive storage or more
Table 5-5 Parameters for the das_eject Parameter
Parameter Description
eject_area Logical area defined in AML, where the cartridges should be
volser_ranges • a single volser
• multiple volsers separated by commas
• a range of volsers separated by a hyphen
types media type of the named volser
Refer to Media Types on page 2-7
aci_async_add (das_eject_complete, eject_area,
volser_range, type)