4-52 DAS ACI Functions
See Table 4-19 for a description of the parameters for the
aci_eject2_complete function call.
If the eject area is full the system stops the eject procedure.
Depending on the DAS_EJECTAREAFULL environment
variable on the AMU, the command will be canceled, or the
system starts with the next eject after the operator has
removed cartridges from the eject area.
The attribute of the coordinate will be set to empty in the
AMU database. The volser will be set to 0000000000000000,
but the type will remain unchanged. The compartment is
ready for the other volsers.
For additional information, refer to aci_insert on page 4-75,
and aci_eject2 on page 4-42.
Table 4-19 Parameters for the aci_eject2_complete Function Call
Parameter Description
eject_area logical area defined in AML, where the cartridges
should be ejected
volser_range • a single volser
• multiple volsers separated by commas
• a range of volsers separated by a hyphen
• set to empty (““ or ‘\0’) if it is not to be changed
type media type of the named volser range
Refer to Media Types on page 2-7
pnActualCount returned number of ejected volsers
aci_ei_info returned information to each ejected volser
volser volser of the ejected volume
type media type of the named volser
Refer to Media Types on page 2-7
errcode Error code derrno