Section 5, DLP-007 ATLAS 550 System Manual
336 © 2002 ADTRAN, Inc. 61200305L1-1F
Perform Steps Below in the Order Listed
1. Connect to the ATLAS 550 using the RJ-45 CONTROL IN or CRAFT interface.
If you are not already connected to the shelf’s CONTROL IN or CRAFT interface (either with a VT100
compatible terminal or with a PC running VT100 emulation software), follow the procedure in
DLP-001. Connecting to the
CONTROL IN or CRAFT interface limits the upgrade procedure to
XMODEM only.
2. Login to the unit.
Login to the unit using the read-write password (see DLP-002 for details).
3. Go to the SYSTEM UTILITY menu and select the UPDATE FIRMWARE menu; press <Enter>.
4. Select the M
ODULE SLOT menu and press <Enter>.
Select the appropriate module slot to update. Select SLOT 0 to update the system controller.
5. Go to the TRANSFER METHOD menu and select XMODEM.
6. From the R
ESTART SCHEDULE menu, select the time for the module to perform a restart after
completing the update process.
RESTART IMMEDIATELY AFTER UPDATE restarts the system immediately after the update is complete.
ESTART AT SPECIFIED DATE AND TIME allows you to select when the updated system will restart. If
you select this option, a new field called R
ESTART DATE AND TIME displays below the current field.
To use that option, enter the time in 24-hour format (such as 23:00:00 for 11:00 pm). Enter the date in
mm-dd-yyyy format (for example, 09-30-2000).
7. View CURRENT UPDATE STATUS to verify the progress of the current firmware update or to identify any
errors encountered during the download.
8. Select B
EGIN FIRMWARE UPDATE to start the update. Enter Y to confirm the transfer and set up the
module to receive the XMODEM Upload.
When the ATLAS 550 is ready to receive the XMODEM upload, the menu screen will clear and
display Awaiting XMODEM Upload....<Ctrl-X> twice to Cancel. If this does not appear, please
review the steps above for possible configuration errors.
9. From the terminal emulation software, begin the XMODEM upload by using the appropriate command
sequence. This may take several minutes.
If necessary, refer to the terminal emulation software documentation for help. Also, when specifying
the filename, ensure that the file transferred is the one provided by ADTRAN. Otherwise, the update
will not complete successfully.
Selecting ALL MODULES OF A TYPE and SYS CTRL will force a controller reboot during the