
ATLAS 550 System Manual Section 2, Engineering Guidelines
61200305L1-1F © 2002 ADTRAN, Inc. 43
Quad BRI ISDN (S/T Interface) Option Module (P/N 1200764L1)
Each port of the Quad BRI ISDN (S/T Interface) Option Module uses a single RJ-45 jack to connect to a
standard BRI S/T interface circuit. The Quad BRI ISDN (S/T Interface) Option Module is only available
for use in NT mode (User Term) applications. Table 27 shows the network pinout connection. The required
wiring connection follows:
NxT1 HSSI Option Module (P/N 1200346L1)
The NxT1 HSSI Option Module uses a single 50-pin SCSI-II interface to combine up to 8 T1s of data (4
from the NxT1 HSSI Module T1 ports and 4 from other T1 ports installed in the system). Table 28 (below)
and Table 30 on page 45 give the pinouts for the SCSI-II and RJ-48C (T1) connectors, respectively.
Connector Type (USOC) RJ-45
Table 27. BRI Pinout (S/T Interface)
1, 2, 7, 8 Unused
3, 6 Receive Receive for User Term (NT Mode)
4, 5 Transmit Transmit for User Term (NT Mode)
Table 28. HSSI (SCSI-50) Connection Pinout
PIN# (+ side) PIN# (- side) DESCRIPTION
1 26 SG - Signal Ground
227RT - Receive Timing
3 28 CA - DCE Available
4 29 RD - Receive Data
5 30 LC - Loopback Circuit C
6 31 ST - Send Timing
7 32 SG - Signal Ground
8 33 TA - DTE Available
9 34 TT - Terminal Timing
10 35 LA - Loopback Circuit A
11 36 SD - Send Data
12 37 LB - Loopback Circuit B
13 38 SG - Signal Ground
14-18 39-43 Ancillary to DCE (Reserved)