Section 5, DLP-012 ATLAS 550 System Manual
348 © 2002 ADTRAN, Inc. 61200305L1-1F
Perform Steps Below in the Order Listed
1. Mount the modem in its permanent position.
2. Connect power to the modem using manufacturer instructions.
3. Configure the modem as follows:
4. Connect the male RJ-45 connector of the data cable to the female RJ-45 connector, labeled
CONTROL IN, located on the lower right corner of the back of the unit or to the CRAFT port, located
on the lower left of the front of the unit.
5. Route the data cable to the modem.
6. Connect the other end of the cable to the RJ-45 end of the connector (RJ-45 to male DB-25). Then,
connect the DB-25 end of the connector to the modem, configured as described above.
7. Connect the modem to the POTS line as required by the manufacturer.
8. Login to the ATLAS 550 system. (Refer to DLP-002 for detailed instructions).
9. From the
MAIN MENU, select the SYSTEM CONFIG menu and press the right arrow key to enter the
right-pane menus.
10. From the S
YSTEM CONFIG menu, select the CHAIN PORT menu and press <Enter>. Once in the CHAIN
ORT menus, press the right arrow key to enter the right-pane menus.
11. From the C
HAIN PORT menus, select the PORT TYPE menu and select DIAL.
Speed 9600 bps
Data bits 8
Parity none
Stop bits 1
Flow control hardware
Auto answer on
DTR ignore
If you are connected to the ATLAS 550 using the CRAFT or CONTROL IN interfaces,
changing the P
ORT TYPE mode to DIAL will terminate your session. You MUST have
Ethernet access to the ATLAS 550 to change the P
ORT TYPE back to DIRECT and
restore your terminal session.
To complete the connection to the unit, the ATLAS 550 must now be called from a PC
configured to emulate a VT100 terminal, with communication software set as in step 3 and
configured for
DIAL mode.