AMX Target Guide Computer Accessories User Manual

AMX 68000 Target Guide
Enable ROM Option
By default, the ROM Option feature is disabled. Check this box to enable the feature.
You can disable the feature by removing the check from the box.
ROM Address
You must define the absolute physical ROM address at which the AMX ROM image is to
be located. This address is dictated by you according to your hardware requirements.
Enter the address value as an unsigned 32-bit hexadecimal number. The ROM memory
address must be long aligned.
RAM Address
You must define the absolute physical RAM address of a block of 32 bytes reserved for
use by AMX. This address is dictated by you according to your hardware requirements.
Enter the address value as an unsigned 32-bit hexadecimal number. The RAM memory
address must be long aligned.
Resident Managers
Check the boxes which identify the AMX managers which you wish to commit to the
AMX ROM. If you do not want a particular manager to be in the ROM, leave the
corresponding box unchecked.
If your AMX ROM was created without a particular
manager, then an AMX fatal exit will occur if your system
attempts to access that manager.