AMX Target Guide Computer Accessories User Manual

AMX 68000 Target Guide
cjksivtx cjksivtx
Purpose Exchange an Entry in the AMX Vector Table
Used by
n Task n ISP n Timer Procedure n Restart Procedure n Exit Procedure
Setup Prototype is in file
#include "CJZZZ.H"
CJ_ERRST CJ_CCPP cjksivtx(int vector,
CJ_ISPPROC newproc,
CJ_ISPPROC *oldproc);
Description vector is the processor vector number (0 to 255).
Vectors 12, 16 to 23 and 59 to 63 are reserved by Motorola.
newproc is a pointer to the new Interrupt Service Procedure.
oldproc is a pointer to storage for the previous Interrupt Service
Procedure pointer (or exception service procedure pointer) retrieved
from the AMX Vector Table.
Interrupts o Disabled o Enabled o Restored
Returns Error status is returned.
CJ_EROK Call successful.
*oldproc contains the previous Interrupt Service Procedure pointer (or
exception service procedure pointer).
Errors returned:
For all errors, *oldproc is undefined on return.
CJ_ERNOACCESS AMX Vector Table is not accessible.
AMX was launched with access to its
Vector Table denied.
Restrictions You must NOT use this procedure to alter the task trap vectors (
vector =
, CJ_PRVNCH or CJ_PRVNTV). Use cjksitrap for that purpose.
See Also cjksivtrd, cjksivtwr