AMX Target Guide Computer Accessories User Manual

AMX 68000 Target Guide
Once linked, your AMX application can be downloaded into RAM memory in your target
hardware configuration. Alternatively, your application can be transferred to ROM using
the same techniques that were used to produce the AMX ROM. Regardless of the
manner in which your AMX system is loaded into your target hardware, access to the
AMX ROM via the ROM Access Module is now possible.
For simplicity, the complexities which you will encounter when trying to commit the C
Runtime Library to ROM have been ignored. Refer to your C compiler reference manual
for guidance in ROMing C code and data in embedded applications.
If your AMX ROM was created without a particular
manager, then an AMX fatal exit will occur if your system
attempts to access that manager.
Moving the AMX ROM
The AMX ROM is not position independent. Nor is the location of the RAM used by
To move either, you must edit the AMX ROM option parameters in your Target
Parameter File to define the new location of the AMX ROM and its RAM. Reconstruct a
new AMX ROM image and burn a new AMX ROM. Then rebuild the AMX ROM
Access Module and relink your AMX system with it.