AMX Target Guide Computer Accessories User Manual

AMX 68000 Target Guide
rev7 B-3
B.2 Service Procedures
A description of all processor dependent AMX 68000 service procedures is provided in
this appendix. The descriptions are ordered alphabetically for easy reference.
Italics are used to distinguish programming examples. Procedure names and variable
names which appear in narrative text are also displayed in italics. Occasionally a lower
case procedure name or variable name may appear capitalized if it occurs as the first
word in a sentence.
Vertical ellipses are used in program examples to indicate that a portion of the program
code is missing. Most frequently this will occur in examples where fragments of
application dependent code are missing.
: /* Dismiss device interrupt */
Capitals are used for all defined AMX filenames, constants and error codes. All AMX
procedure, structure and constant names can be readily identified according to the
nomenclature introduced in Chapter 1.3 of the AMX User's Guide.
A consistent style has been adopted for each description. The procedure name is
presented at the extreme top right and left as in a dictionary. This method of presentation
has been chosen to make it easy to find procedures since they are ordered alphabetically.
Purpose A one-line statement of purpose is always provided.
Used by n Task o ISP o Timer Procedure n Restart Procedure o Exit Procedure
This block is used to indicate which of your AMX application procedures
can call the AMX procedure. The term ISP refers to the Interrupt Handler
of a conforming ISP. A filled in box indicates that the procedure is
allowed to call the AMX procedure. In the above example, only tasks and
Restart Procedures would be allowed to call the procedure.
Setup The prototype of the AMX procedure is shown.
The AMX header file in which the prototype is located is identified.
Include AMX header file
CJZZZ.H for compilation.
File CJZZZ.H is a generic AMX include file which automatically includes
the correct subset of the AMX header files for a particular target
processor. If you include CJZZZ.H instead of its KADAK part numbered
counterpart (
CJnnn.H), your AMX application source modules will be
readily portable to other processors without editing.
Description Defines all input parameters to the procedure and expands upon the
purpose or method if required.