Chapter 2 Mail Service Setup 49
3 Select Bounce Processing in the Conguration Categories link section.
4 Select the bounce processing options you want.
Each option section has a link to a help page that explains the option setting.
5 Click Submit Your Changes.
Designating a Mailing List as Private
You might not want to show some lists on the web list access page. To designate a list
as “private” so it isn’t shown, see server.domain.tld/mailman/listinfo.
You use the web-based interface to set a list’s privacy options. Web services must be
enabled to access the web-based interface.
To set privacy options:
1 In a web browser, enter the URL of the list administration page.
This is usually server.domain.tld/mailman/admin/listname
2 Enter the master list password.
This is not the user’s login password. The master list password was set when mailing lists
were enabled on the server. It was mailed to list administrators designated at that time.
3 In the Conguration Categories link section, select Privacy Options and then
Subscription Rules.
4 Deselect “Advertise this list” in the privacy list.
5 Click Submit Your Changes.
Adding Subscribers
Use Server Admin to add mailing list subscribers to a list. Mailing list subscribers do
not need an account (mail or le access) on the list’s server. Any mail address can be
added to the list. You must have an existing list to add a subscriber.
If the subscriber is a user on the mail server, you can use the Users and Groups button
to add a local subscriber to the list.
To add subscribers:
1 In Server Admin, select Mail in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Mailing Lists tab.
4 Select the list you want to add a subscriber to.
5 Click the Add (+) button under the Members pane.
6 Enter the recipient’s mail address.
If you’re entering multiple subscribers, enter the recipient mail addresses or drop a text
list into the User Identiers box.