56 Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
A log of the changes made to the files is created in /Library/Logs/Migration/
webconfigmigrator.log. The version 10.2 files in /etc/httpd/ are renamed to
httpd.conf.obsolete, httpd_macosxserver.conf.obsolete, and
mime_macosxserver.types.obsolete. A new httpd.conf file is created and a sites
directory is created.
5 If you’ve modified /etc/httpd/workers.properties, reapply your changes to the version
of the file that’s installed with server version 10.4. The version 10.4 workers.properties
file has a new entry for Weblog service.
6 In Server Admin, start web service.
Web Content
Copy saved web content to:
MySQL Data
If you backed up your MySQL data using mysqldump, you can restore the data using:
mysql -p table < backup-file.sql
mysql database < backup-file.sql
If the MySQL database you’re migrating is still using the deprecated ISAM table format
from MySQL 3.23, now is a good time to update it. Refer to the documentation on the
MySQL website for migration details:
This site suggests:
 Running mysql_fix_privilege_tables to enable new security privilege features.
 Running either mysql_convert_table_format (if all existing tables are ISAM or
MyISAM) or ALTER TABLE table_name TYPE=MyISAM on all ISAM tables (to avoid the
deprecated ISAM table format).
Mail Database
To migrate the mail database:
1 Make sure that mail service is not running.
Open Server Admin, then click Mail. If it isn’t grayed out, click Stop Service.
2 Click Maintenance, then click Migration.
3 Place the saved database on the version 10.4 server. Make sure that no extra files are in
the location you select.
If you place the database in the default location (/Library/AppleMail Server/), its
location and accounts are displayed.