
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP 93
Step 10: Test the new server
To test the new server:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and inspect user and group accounts.
2 Open Server Admin and inspect settings for services whose configuration data you
Step 11: Migrate mail
If you want to migrate mail, use one of these techniques:
 Have users copy mail they want to save from the ASIP server to Mac OS X Server.
 Migrate the mail database to Mac OS X version 10.2, then migrate it to the version
10.4 server.
To have users copy mail:
1 Follow the instructions in the mail administration guide for setting up version 10.4 mail
service that supports the IMAP protocol.
2 Create user mail accounts.
3 Have ASIP mail users configure their mail clients to use Mac OS X Server’s mail service.
4 With the ASIP mail server running, have the mail users copy the mail they want to keep
from the ASIP server to Mac OS X Server using the IMAP protocol.
To migrate the ASIP mail database:
1 Install Mac OS X Server version 10.2 on a computer that meets the system requirements
in Getting Started With Mac OS X Server for version 10.2. Follow the instructions in the
getting started guide to install server software and perform initial server setup.
2 On the ASIP server, disconnect all users and administrators and shut down the mail
3 On the version 10.2 server, log in as an administrator and turn off all services using
Server Settings.
4 Connect to the ASIP server from the version 10.2 server, logging in as an administrator.
5 Mount the startup volume for the ASIP server.
6 Navigate to the AppleShare IP Mail 6.0 Data file and copy it to a local partition on the
version 10.2 server.
7 Open the AppleShare IP Migration utility on the version 10.2 server. It’s located in
/Applications/Utilities/. Then click the lock in the lower-left corner to authenticate as an
8 Select the option that migrates the mail database, then click Migrate.
9 Locate the file Users & Groups Data File and click Choose. (The default location is the
Preferences folder in the System Folder.)
10 Locate the file AppleShare IP Mail 6.0 Data and click Choose.