Apple Mac OS X Network Card User Manual

96 Index
saving DNS settings 66
saving FTP configuration files 65
saving IP firewall settings 66
saving MySQL data 65
saving QTSS files 66
saving share points 66
saving the AFP configuration 65
saving Tomcat data 66
saving user data 66
saving web configuration data 64
saving web content 64
saving webmail data 65
saving WebObjects applications and
frameworks 65
setting up the home directory infrastructure 67
step-by-step instructions 63
testing the new server 73
tools you can use 62
what you can migrate 61
migrating from version 10.2
creating archive files 50
exporting users and groups 50
importing users, groups, and other data 54
prerequisites 47
requirements 47
restoring DHCP settings 59
restoring FTP configuration files 57
restoring IP firewall configuration 58
restoring MySQL data 56
restoring NetBoot images 57
restoring QTSS files 59
restoring saved files 53
restoring settings 59
restoring share points 59
restoring the AFP configuration 57
restoring the mail database 56
restoring Tomcat data 58
restoring user data 59
restoring web configuration data 55
restoring web contents 56
restoring webmail data 57
restoring WebObjects applications and
frameworks 58
saving DHCP settings 53
saving DNS settings 52
saving FTP configuration files 52
saving IP firewall settings 52
saving MySQL data 51
saving NetBoot images 52
saving QTSS files 53
saving share points 53
saving the AFP configuration 52
saving the mail database 51
saving Tomcat data 52
saving user data 53
saving web configuration data 51
saving web contents 51
saving webmail data 51
saving WebObjects applications and
frameworks 52
setting up home directory infrastructure 53
step-by-step instructions 49
testing the new server 60
tools you can use 48
what you can migrate 47
migrating from version 10.3
creating archive files 35
exporting users and groups 35
importing users, groups, and other data 40
Open Directory master and replicas 31
prerequisites 31
requirements 31
restoring DHCP settings 45
restoring DNS settings 45
restoring FTP configuration files 43
restoring IP firewall configuration 44
restoring JBoss applications 44
restoring MySQL data 42
restoring NAT settings 44
restoring NetBoot images 43
restoring QTSS files 45
restoring saved files 39
restoring share points 46
restoring the AFP configuration 43
restoring the mail database 42
restoring user data 45
restoring VPN settings 45
restoring web configuration 41
restoring web content 42
restoring webmail data 43
restoring WebObjects applications and
frameworks 43
saving DHCP settings 38
saving DNS settings 38
saving FTP configuration files 37
saving IP firewall settings 38
saving JBoss applications 37
saving MySQL data 36
saving NAT settings 38
saving NetBoot images 37
saving QTSS files 38
saving share points 38
saving the AFP service configuration 37
saving the mail database 36
saving Tomcat data 37
saving user data 38
saving VPN settings 38
saving web configuration data 36
saving web content 36
saving webmail data 37
saving WebObjects applications and
frameworks 37