Page 6-8
This menu displays read-only SNMP agent information for the Super-
Stack Switch 1000.
Table 6-6 describes each field in the Agent menu.
∆ Note: For instructions on using this menu, see “Viewing
SNMP Agent Information” on page 4-14.
Table 6-6 Agent Menu
Field Description
Heartbeat Interval Read-only field; displays the time, in seconds,
between successive heartbeat events sent to the man-
agement station.
An interval of 0 indicates that no heartbeat events are
to be generated.
A heartbeat event is an event generated at a
regular interval to inform the manager that this device
is still operating and can be reached on the network.
PROM SWVer Read-only field; displays the software version number
of the device’s SNMP agent.
Restart Count Read-only field; displays the number of restarts the
device has undergone (either power on/off or reset).
Last Restart Type Read-only field; displays the reason for the last sys-
tem restart (which may be caused by a management
command, a timeout, a power interruption, or system
Reset Action Read-only field; displays the system’s reset setting.
Last System Error Read-only field; displays the last system error experi-
enced by the system.
book Page 8 Thursday, September 4, 1997 3:47 PM