FriendlyNET FM2008/2009
26 User’s Manual
3.3.2 Port/Trunk Configuration
From the Switch Static Configuration page, select Port/Trunk
Configuration to change each port’s status and to configure trunking
groups. Press the Space key to toggle between configuration options.
• Enabled: The user can disable or enable each port
• Auto Negotiate: The user can enable or disable auto
negotiation for each port
• Speed/Duplex Config: The user can set 100Mbps or 10Mbps
speed on ports 1-8 (port 9 is 100Mbps only), and set full-duplex
or half-duplex mode
• Flow Control: The user can enable or disable flow control
• Group: The user can set trunk groups for ports 1-8. There can
be up to four trunk groups
<Quit>: Exits the port configuration page and returns to the previous
<Edit>: Configures all items. When finished, press Esc to go back to
the action menu line.
<Save>: Saves the new configurations.