FriendlyNET FM2008/2009
65 User’s Manual Aggregator setting
1. System Priority: A value used to identify the active LACP. The
switch with the lowest value has the highest priority and is
selected as the active LACP.
2. Group ID: To create an aggregated link across two or more
ports, choose the "Group ID" and click Get.
3. LACP: If enabled, the selected group becomes an LACP static
trunking group. If disabled, the selected group becomes a local
static trunking group.
All ports support LACP dynamic trunking groups. If connecting
to a device that also supports LACP, the LACP dynamic
trunking group will be created automatically.
4. Work ports: The maximum number of ports that can be
aggregated at the same time. If utilizing a LACP static trunking
group, the extra ports are on standby and able to aggregate if
another working port fails. If using a local static trunking group,
the number must be the same as group ports.