The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
LW has a system of invisible markers which make navigating your text simplicity itself.
If you're working on a section of text which you want to leave but will need to return to
later, mark it with a place marker.
<CTRL+B> Set bookmark at cursor position. Asks for which bookmark (1-4) to
<SHIFT+CTRL+G> Go to bookmark. Asks for number of the bookmark to find.
Providing the marker has been set, and doesn't reside in text
which has been deleted, the cursor will jump to the position of the
relevant marker.
Bookmarks are saved with the file if you’re working in document mode.
LW can save files is two different formats: Text files (.TXT) and Document files (.DOC).
While TXT files are plain text files, DOC files contain the tab line and any place
markers which have been set. You won’t see the header information in LW because it
is always hidden, and LW can sense on loading whether a file is a DOC or TXT file
regardless of its file extension. If you want to use LW to edit source code files for
compilers, etc, you should always save files as plain text (TXT) files.
When you save a file, LW will include the DOC header information only if the program
is in “Doc” mode. You can tell by looking at the status bar which mode the program is
in, and you can toggle between Doc and Text mode with the Editor Options command
(see below).