The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
The “/A” switch should be appended to the filename when saving all but the first
segment of a linked file. For example:
This will cause the contents of the buffer to be appended to the file on disk (the “/A”
switch also works with file copying on the disk menu). As a time saver, the “/A” switch
will automatically be appended to filenames when saving all but the first segment of a
linked file. And to assist further with the saving sequence of segmented files, the
filename on the message line is followed by the number of the loaded segment. For
This denotes bank 2, containing the second segment of THESIS.TXT. In this case,
even if the contents of buffer 2 are saved under a new name (without the “/A”) switch,
the [2] suffix will remain until another file is loaded into that bank or the text buffer is
Although the linked file feature of LW offers a partial solution to the problem of editing
large files, the best way to organize your files is to keep them small enough to fit
comfortably into the text buffers. With the include file feature of the print formatter, it’s
easy and good practice to keep files below 16K and link them together when printing.
The main reason for including segmented file support in LW was to enable the
conversion of large, unmanageable files into smaller ones. There’s a macro called
SPLIT.MAC on the distribution disk which will perform precisely this task.