The Last Word 3.0 Reference Manual
The following options are available on the menu, selected by pressing the highlighted
Spec Set the directory search mask. Use this to narrow or expand the
criteria for the directory search.
Ret If the disk menu was called with <CTRL+D> from the editor,
<Return> will load the file under the cursor. If the disk menu was
called with <Tab> while entering a filename on the input line,
<Return> will return the highlighted filename for use in the current
load or save operation (if you were currently saving or outputting a
file, you’ll be returned to the original input line with the selected
filename replacing the originally displayed filename).
View View the file under the selector bar. Same as view from the editor
without the “/P” switch.
Note: You can also obtain a paged listing (same as from the
editor using the “/P” switch) by pressing <CTRL+V>.
^Del Delete the file under the selector bar. If the deletion is successful,
the filename is removed from the list. Press <CTRL+D> to delete
all tagged files.
Ren Asks for a new name and renames the highlighted file. The entry
in the list is changed to the new name. Wildcards are supported.
^Copy Asks for the name of the new file into which you want to copy the
contents of the highlighted file. You can type a new drive number,
add a subdirectory path if your DOS supports them, and include
wildcards. If you want to make a copy of the file under the same
name but on a different drive, type the drive identifier, then "*.*".
Files of any length may be copied, even those which won't fit into
the LW editor. NOTE: The copy operation utilizes the unused part
of the current text bank as a buffer. The more unused memory