Security and Configuration
Issue 1 — December 2002
DEFNETM.PDF — Avaya CT 1.2
Tunable G3PD Configuration Parameters
Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 describe the G3PD configuration parameters that can be
viewed and administered using the G3 PBX Driver Configuration Utility.
Advanced configuration parameters that are flagged with an
* or ** in Table 2-2
have the following meanings:
■ Default values for parameters flagged with an asterisk * are reserved for
the Technical Services Organization (TSO) (and you should not change
them). These parameters could affect overall system performance.
■ Default values for parameters flagged with a double asterisk ** are
guidelines. They should be properly sized for optimal performance, but are
not subject to strict limitations (for example, if they are sized too large,
memory may be wasted; if they are sized too small, performance
decreases slightly).
The advanced configuration parameters listed in Table 2-2 are established
by default during the installation of the G3PD. In rare instances, you may
have to change them (most likely under the direction of the TSO). Under
normal circumstances, there is no reason to change them.
Table 2-1. G3PD Configuration Parameters
Driver IP Address IP address of your DEFINITY G3PD driver
Advertised Switch
Name (Link 1)
G3_SWITCH Advertised switch name (service name) for link
1. String up to 14 characters in length (will be
truncated if it is longer). The # sign is not a
valid character.
Advertised Switch
Name (Links 2 - 8)
Advertised switch names (service names) for
Links 2 through 8. Each link may be given its
own advertised switch name. String can be up
to 14 characters in length (will be truncated if it
is longer). The # sign is not a valid character.
IP Address or
Hostname (Link 1) IP address or hostname for Link 1. This IP
address refers to the Ethernet interface for the
IP Address or
(Links 2 - 8)
IP address or hostname for Links 1 through 8.
There may be a separate IP address or
hostname for each link.