Issue 1 — December 2002
DEFNETM.PDF — Avaya CT 1.2
command to test the ASAI heartbeat with the switch. See the ‘‘Test Command’’
section in Chapter 3.
Also, check the Tserver error log and the Windows NT Event Viewer Log for
possible errors. (When viewing the Windows NT Event Log, be sure that
"Application" is selected from the Log menu.) If the G3PD is not responding, you
may have to unload and reload the G3PD; see the section "Loading and
Unloading PBX Drivers" in Chapter 8 of Avaya Computer-Telephony Telephony
Services Administration and Maintenance Guide.
Users Receive CSTA Universal Failure Messages
Notified Device Monitoring Ended
Either or both of these problems may occur if the CTI link between the Telephony
Server and the DEFINITY G3PD goes down or is reset.
If the link is resetting, the RESOURCE_OUT_OF_SERVICE errors should clear
up when the link comes up, but if link failure persists, you should go to the switch
and check the port on the switch and on the DEFINITY LAN Gateway.
If either of these problems occurs frequently, for unexplained reasons, there is
most likely a problem with the CTI link and you should report to Services.
Users Receive ACS Universal Failure Messages
This error occurs when the number of requests for a particular Tlink exceeds the
size of the Tserver’s queue for requests to that Tlink.
If this is a transient problem, it may merely indicate a burst of activity across the
If the problem persists, use the Information tab on the Tlink Status dialog box in
the TSM32 to increase the value of the Max Flow Allowed field.
Users Receive ACS Universal Failure Messages
This error occurs when the Tserver cannot allocate any more memory for the
driver to which the application is connected.
If this is a transient problem, it may merely indicate a burst of activity across the