Issue 1 — December 2002
3-1DEFNETM.PDF — Avaya CT 1.2
This chapter describes the DEFINITY G3PD Administrator utility.
The DEFINITY G3PD Administrator utility provides maintenance commands that
are particularly useful if there are communications problems between the server
and the DEFINITY LAN Gateway. This utility can be run from a Windows client
(Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP).
Communication with CVLAN is established from the DEFINITY G3PD
Administrator utility through the G3PD. Since all links between the G3PD and
CVLAN are shared, DEFINITY G3PD Administrator utility operation and
commands apply equally to both.
The sections that follow ‘‘Maint Menu Options’’ (i.e., ‘‘Block/Enable Command’’,
‘‘Link Status Command’’, ‘‘Offline/Online Command’’, ‘‘Restart Command’’,
‘‘Suspend/Resume Alarms Command’’, ‘‘Test Command’’, and ‘‘Version
Command’’) explain how to perform each task accessible through the DEFINITY
G3PD Administrator utility.
Most DEFINITY G3PD Administrator utility command execution is recorded in the
Tserver error log as AUDIT_TRAIL events.