30 EVR1500 Installer/User Guide
Figure 3.11: Digital Outputs Window
To confi gure digital outputs:
1. After launching the web GUI, click Confi guration - Digital Outputs. The
Digital Outputs window displays a list of the digital sensor outputs.
NOTE: The Channel column is not editable and is the internal representation of the input.
2. Click the row containing the digital sensor you wish to confi gure or test.
The sensor output information displays in the dialog box.
3. Click the Enabled checkbox to enable the digital output.
NOTE: An enabled digital output will be displayed on the Main tab. Enabling a digital output
also makes it available for use in the following operations: Calculations, SNMP actions, Output
actions, Thresholds, Rules, Timed Rules and Reports.
4. If desired, edit the name of the digital output by clicking in the Unique
name fi eld and typing a new name. The name cannot contain any spaces.
The only special character allowed is the underscore (_).
5. Click the Test Selected button. The Output Value box displays, enabling you
to set the digital output.
6. Type a value that will be applied to the output channel. Click OK. This value
will become the digital output’s button label. Valid settings are 1 (1 = on) or
Ø (Ø = off).