Chapter 3: Basic Operations 31
NOTE: Clicking the Test Selected button does not save the new value.
7. Click the Save button to save changes to the digital output(s) and all other
items in the Confi guration tab.
- or -
Click the Cancel button to revert all confi guration items in the
Confi guration tab to the last Save operation.
Configuring Calculations
The Calculations feature enables you to configure an equation and the units
used to calculate digital and analog I/O. This feature also enables you to create
new calculations or delete existing calculations.
Figure 3.12: Calculations Window
To confi gure calculations:
1. After launching the web GUI, click Confi guration - Calculations. The
Calculations window displays.
2. Edit an existing calculation by clicking the row containing the calculation.
-or -
Click the Create New button to add a calculation. A new row is added to
the Calculations list.
The calculation information displays in the dialog box.