6 Cyclades ACS 6000 Advanced Console Server Command Reference Guide
Some CLI commands take parameters. If you press Tab Tab after a command that requires a
parameter, you are prompted to enter the parameter.
Command Line Syntax
NOTE: Square brackets ([ ]) denote an optional element. Each element is separated by a space. There are no
spaces between sub-elements.
Command only (help, pwd):
--:- <current_level> cli-> <command>
Commands with paths only (cd, ls, add):
--:- <current_level> cli-> <command> [Path]
Commands with targets (del):
--:- <current_level> cli-> <command> [Path] <Targets>
Commands that require parameters (set):
--:- <current_level> cli-> <command> [Path] <Params>
Commands with values only (sendmsg, ftp...):
--:- <current_level> cli-> <command> [Path] <Values>
Path := path_elem[/path_elem]*
path_elem := . | .. | Section_Label | ^/
Targets := Row_Label(,Row_Label)
Params := Param_Names=PValues
Param_Names := Param_Label(:Param_Label)*
PValues := Value_text(,Value_text)*
Values := Value_text Value_text
Value_text := labels or data from the UIC.
Syntax used:
^ : beginning of the element
* : 0 - many