Chapter 4: Using the Web Manager 43
7. If you select the Enable Service-Type attribute to specify the authorization group checkbox,
enter the authorization group name for each of the following Service Types: Login, Framed,
Callback Login, Callback Framed, Outbound and Administrative.
8. Click Save.
To configure a TACACS+ authentication server:
1. Select Appliance Settings - Authentication - Authentication Servers - TACACS+ to display the
TACACS+ Servers screen.
2. Enter the IP addresses for the First Authentication Server and First Accounting Server.
3. If used, enter the IP addresses of the Second Authentication Server and Second Accounting
4. Select the desired service (PPP or raccess) from the Service drop-down menu.
5. Enter your secret word or passphrase in the Secret field (applies to both first and second
authentication and accounting servers), then re-enter the secret word or passphrase in the
Confirm Secret field.
6. Enter the desired number of seconds for server time-out in the Timeout field.
7. Enter the desired number of retries in the Retries field.
8. If you select the Enable User-Level attribute to specify the authorization group checkbox,
enter the authorization group name for up to 15 User-Levels.
9. Click Save.
To configure an LDAP(S)|AD authentication server:
1. Select Appliance Settings - Authentication - Authentication Servers - LDAP(S)|AD to display
the LDAP(S)|AD Server screen.
2. Enter the IP address of the server.
3. Enter the Base.
4. At the Secure drop-down menu, select Off, On or Start_TLS.
5. Enter the Database User Name.
6. Enter your Database Password, then re-type the database password in the Confirm Password
7. Enter your desired Login Attributes.
8. Click Save.
To configure a Kerberos authentication server:
1. Select Appliance Settings - Authentication - Authentication Servers - Kerberos to display the
Kerberos Server screen.
2. Enter the IP address (Realm) of the server.
3. Enter the Realm Domain Name (example: