24 Cyclades ACS 6000 Advanced Console Server Installation/Administration/User Guide
• Local Accounts
• Authorization
•Click Local Accounts to configure users, assign them to pre-defined user
groups, configure expiration of the password and the account and configure
other password rules (complexity and default expiration).
•Click Authorization to add new user groups, to add users to user groups and
to authorize the user group and its members for: port access, power
management, data buffer management and appliance administration rights
(which include the right to view appliance information, reboot, disconnect
sessions, upgrade firmware, configure the appliance and users, backup and
restore configuration, access the Linux shell and transfer files).
Syslog Click Syslog to specify syslog destination(s), either local (appliance console or a
root session) or remote (IPv4 or IPv6).
Event Notifications
• Settings
• Events
•Click Settings to specify the syslog facility number and settings for SNMP
traps, SMS, email or DSView server message destinations.
•Click Events to specify which events to detect for the console server and to
select the destination for each event message type.
• IPv4 Filter Table
• IPv6 Filter Table
Click IPv4 Filter Table or IPv6 Filter Table to configure the chains and rules for
packet filtering.
IPSec(VPN) Click IPSec(VPN) to configure IPSec (VPN) connections, authentication and
NAT traversal.
• System
•SNMP v1/v2/v3
•Click System to view or edit SysContact and SysLocation information.
•Click SNMP v1/v2/v3 to add, edit or delete an SNMP system management
interface (SMI) type (combined v1/v2 or v3).
Date and Time
• Date & Time
• Time Zone
•Click Date & Time to set the date and time for the console server manually or
configure an NTP server.
•Click Time Zone either to select a pre-defined time zone or to define a custom
time zone.
Boot Configuration Click Boot Configuration to specify whether the console server boots from Flash
memory or from the network and to configure the watchdog timer, a specific
mode for the eth0 and eth1 interfaces and the console speed.
Online Help Click Online Help to specify the URL for the online help after the online help files
are downloaded and installed on a local web server.
Table 3.2: Web Manager Options for Administrators (Continued)
Heading Description