Chapter 4: Using the Web Manager 67
Active Sessions
The ACS 6000 console server allows multiple users to log in and run sessions simultaneously. The
Active Sessions feature allows you to view all active sessions and to terminate (kill) any unwanted
sessions. Click Active Sessions to view all open sessions on the console server.
NOTE: If you start another session with the console server while viewing this screen, it will not be visible until you
click Refresh at the top of the Web Manager window.
To kill an active session:
1. Click Active Sessions. The Active Sessions screen is displayed and lists all open sessions to the
console server by the user’s workstation IP.
2. Select the checkbox next to the session you want to kill, then click the Kill button.
CAUTION: It is possible to kill your own session. Be sure to know your workstation IP and session type. If you kill
your session, you will see the Your session has been terminated message and you will have to log in again.
3. After a few seconds, the Active Session screen will redisplay the open sessions, minus the one
you killed.
Serial Statistics Shows Device Name, Speed, TX Bytes, RX Bytes, Frame Error, Parity Error,
Break and Overrun.
Table 4.6: Monitoring Screens (Continued)
Screen Name Definition