Avocent ACS 6000 Network Card User Manual

64 Cyclades ACS 6000 Advanced Console Server Installation/Administration/User Guide
c. Enter the number(s) of the outlet(s) to which the server is connected in the Outlets field.
d. Click Save.
12. To configure outlets on a PDU that is not currently connected, perform the following steps:
a. Enter the name of a PDU that is not currently connected in the Custom - PDU ID field.
b. Enter the number(s) of the outlet(s) to which the server is or will be connected in the
Outlets field.
13. Click Save.
To configure a new or existing user group for power management:
Like port authorizations, power authorizations are controlled with group membership. At least one
group is assigned during initial configuration of each user account. To add multiple users to a
group, you can use the Members window to configure multiple users from a list of all configured
users, such as:
Assigning one or more PDUs to a group to authorize the group to manage the entire PDU
(upgrade firmware, change outlet names and PDU names) and manage power on all of its
Assigning one or more outlets to a group to authorize the group to manage the specified
outlets. Power management commands are on, off, cycle and - for Cyclades PDUs only - lock
and unlock.
NOTE: On the Authorizations - Power - PDU - Power screen, all configured PDUs are listed. If you specify a PDU
name in the Custom PDU ID field and assign it to a group, the group members can access the PDU when it is
To authorize groups of users to perform power management:
1. Select Appliance Settings - Users - Authorization - Groups.
2. (Optional) To add a group, click Add, enter the name of the group in the New Authorization
Group field and click Save.
3. To add members to a group, perform the following steps:
a. Select the group_name.
b. Click Assign. The Members window appears.
c. Select usernames from the Available Users list and click Add.
d. (Optional) To add remote users (configured on remote authentication servers) to the
selected group, enter comma-separated usernames in the New Remote Users field.
e. Click Save.
4. To authorize the group for power management, select group_name.
5. Select Access Rights - Power.
6. To authorize the group for configuration and power management of an entire PDU, perform
the following steps.