Black Box SW722A-R4 Switch User Manual

4.3.3 S
To start scanning (switching from CPU to CPU in a continuous rotation) from the
keyboard, press and release the left Control key ([Ctrl]), then press [S]. The
ServSwitch will begin scanning sequentially from its currently selected port
through the higher-numbered ports, then begin again at CPU Port 1. As it scans, it
delays 1 to 999 seconds at each port. (This “Scan Time” is user-selectable; see
Section 5.2.6.) To stop scanning, press and release [Ctrl], then press [X]; you can
also stop a scan by entering a Select Port command. ServSwitch letter commands
are not case-sensitive: You can enter upper- or lower-case letters.
To disable scanning, set the scan time to zero; see Section 5.2.6.
4.3.4 K
The Keep Setting command saves the current state of the next command (Set
Screen-Saver Interval) to nonvolatile memory (NVRAM); once you issue this
command, the current screen-saver interval becomes the new default interval that’s
loaded at power-up. To enter the Keep Setting command, press and release the left
Control key, then type [K].
4.3.5 S
This feature reduces the wear on your shared screen and provides security for your
system by blanking the screen when there has been no keyboard activity for a
specified length of time. To set the screen-saver interval, press and release the left
Control key, type [V] followed by the interval time in seconds (1 to 999, or 0 to
disable the screen saver), and press [Enter]. Issue the Keep Setting command after
you enter this command.
To reactivate the screen when it’s been blanked, press any key on the keyboard
or move the mouse. The default setting of this option is 0 (screen saver disabled).
When the ServSwitch is in the Screen-Saver state, all of its SELECT
LEDs (the left-hand, red port LEDs) will be OFF.