App. 1-49
• Selectors 1 through 3:
ON-duration of the scanning light source at room temperature
If the scanning operation is started when the scanning light source is off, then it will come
on for scanning. These selectors determine how long the light source is ON after scanning.
If these selectors are set to "1, 1, 1," the CCD unit goes off for protection of the CCD unit
for 10 minutes after the scanning sequence.
• Selectors 5 through 8: Modem attenuator
These selectors are used to adjust the transmitting level of the modem when the reception
level at the remote station is improper due to line loss. This function applies to super G3
protocol signals.
Selector No. Function Setting and Specifications
ON-duration of the scanning
light source at room temperature
No. 1 2 3
0 0 0: 16 hours
0 0 1: 24 hours
0 1 0: 12 hours
0 1 1: 8 hours
1 0 0: 4 hours
1 0 1: 2 hours
1 1 0: 1/6 hours
1 1 1: 0 hours
4 I-FAX relay report 0: ON 1: OFF
Modem attenuator
No. 5 6 7 8
0000: -10 dBm
0001: -11 dBm
0010: -12 dBm
0011: -13 dBm
0100: -14 dBm
1111: -25 dBm