Brother PT-9600 Printer User Manual

Special barcode characters
p. 49
The following special characters can only be added to barcodes created using protocols CODE39 or
The following special characters can only be added to barcodes created using protocols EAN128
and CODE128.
p. 54
The following fonts are available.
Letter Gothic (
) is a fixed pitch font (all characters use a fixed amount of space), as
opposed to all of the other fonts, which are proportional (characters use different amounts of space).
Value Character
Value Character Value Character Value Character
3 # 69 ENQ 87 ETB
4 $ 70 ACK 88 CAN
11 + 71 BEL 89 EM
28 < 72 BS 90 SUB
29 = 73 HT 91 ESC
30 > 74 LF 91 {
32 @ 75 VT 92 FS
59 [ 76 FF 92 |
60 \ 77CR93GS
61 ] 78 SO 93 }
62 ^ 79 SI 94 RS
63 _ 80 DLE 94
64 NUL 81 DC1 95 US
64 82 DC2 95 DEL
65 SOH 83 DC3 96 FNC3
66 STX 84 DC4 97 FNC2
67 ETX 85 NAK 100 FNC4
68 EOT 86 SYN 102 FNC1