Chapter 5: Local Management
5-86 6H122-08 User’s Guide
The Switch Statistics screen displays the following items:
Port # (Read-Only)
Identifies the interface or port number.
Frames Rcvd (Read-Only)
Displays the number of frames received by the interface.
Frames Txmtd (Read-Only)
Displays the number of frames transmitted by the interface.
Frames Fltrd (Read-Only)
Displays the number of frames filtered by the interface.
Frames Frwded (Read-Only)
Displays the number of frames forwarded by the interface.
This command is used to reset all statistic counters to zero. For details on
how to use this field, refer to Section 5.26.1.
5.26.1 Using the Clear Counters Command
To reset all the statistics counters to zero, perform the following steps:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the CLEAR COUNTERS field.
2. Press ENTER, the counters for the selected port are reset to zero.