Function Calculations
u “RandSeed” Command
•You can specify an integer from 0 to 9 for the argument of this command. 0 specifies non-
sequential random number generation. An integer from 1 to 9 uses the specified value as a
seed for specification of sequential random numbers. The initial default argument for this
command is 0.
• The numbers generated by the ClassPad immediately after you specify sequential random
number generation always follow the same random pattern.
Use this keyboard:
mth abc cat 2D
Generate sequential random Cmd [RandSeed] 3 w
numbers using 3 as the
seed value.
Generate the first value. Func [rand] w
Generate the second value. [rand] w
Generate the third value. [rand] w
• Random values generated by these commands are pseudo random values.
•The arguments a and b of “rand(a,b)” and “randList(n,a,b)” must be integers, subject to the
following conditions.
a < b
a , b < 1E10
b – a < 1E10