Cisco Systems Version 1.1 Network Router User Manual

Carrier Sensitive Routing User Guide
Chapter1 Overview of Cisco Carrier Sensitive Routing
CSR Basics
CSR evaluates the predetermined selection and rejection criteria as part of the source carrier and DNIS
information to determine what routing information to return to the gatekeeper.
Note CSR can operate with multiple gatekeepers. CSR passes through the ANI, but its work is not based
on the ANI. If the CSR receives the destination carrier, it passes the call through with the same
information that it receives.
PostgreSQL Database
The postgreSQL database stores all the provisioned data associated with the CSR. The data can be
entered into the database by using the GUI or by importing. The database supports active dataset,
inactive dataset, and configuration data.
Information contained in the active and inactive datasets includes:
Carrier TableContains a list of carriers and associated attributes.
Contact List TableContains a relationship of contacts to a key.
Contacts TableContains a list of RAS addresses (zones) and associated attributes.
Egress Route Attributes TableContains a list of egress attributes and associated data.
Egress Routes TableContains a list of egress attributes and associated routes.
Ingress Route Attributes TableContains a list ingress attributes and associated data.
Ingress Routes TableContains a list of ingress attributes and associated routes.
Match Patterns TableContains a list of match patterns and associated routes.
QoS TableContains a list of relative QoS values associated to route, ingress, and egress.
Routes TableContains a list of routes and associated rules.
Rules TableContains a list of rules and associated attributes (selection/rejection).
Configuration data contained in the database includes:
Gatekeepers TableContains a list of gatekeepers and associated registration messages.
Filters TableContains a list of gatekeepers and associated filters.
Configuration Settings TableContains logging level, application priority, incoming connection
port and test routes accounting flag.
TestRoutesA record is added to this when a test route command is issued.
TestOutputsA set of records is added to this table after the test route command is complete.
LogEntriesA set of records is added to this table after the test route command is complete.
StringResourcesLogging strings are located here.
CSR Application
The CSR application contains the logic (selection and rejection) to determine the proper routing for calls
based on inputs from the gatekeeper. CSR operates by the rules described in the following section.