Dell B-FCX Switch User Manual

PowerConnect B-FCX Switch Hardware Installation Guide 51
Managing temperature settings
PowerConnect# temperature
temperature temperature sensor commands
PowerConnect# temperature warning
warning Temperature at which the module sends a warning
PowerConnect# temperature warning
DECIMAL Stack Number
PowerConnect# temperature warning 1 87
PowerConnect# show chassis
The stack unit 1 chassis info:
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 not present
Fan ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2<->3
Fan speed switching temperature thresholds:
1 -> 2 @ 61 deg-C
1 <- 2 @ 56 deg-C
2 -> 3 @ 67 deg-C
2 <- 3 @ 62 deg-C
MAC 1 Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 51.5 deg-C
Warning level.......: 87.0 deg-C
Shutdown level......: 90.0 deg-C
CPU Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 51.0 deg-C
Boot Prom MAC : 0012.f2d4.69c0
Management MAC: 0012.f2d4.69c0
Changing the shutdown temperature
You can change the shutdown temperature using the fan-threshold command as shown. The valid
range is 0-125 deg-C.
PowerConnect(config)# stack unit 1
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# fan-threshold mp speed-3 62 95
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# show chassis
The stack unit 1 chassis info:
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 not present
Fan ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2<->3
Fan speed switching temperature thresholds:
1 -> 2 @ 61 deg-C
1 <- 2 @ 56 deg-C
2 -> 3 @ 67 deg-C
2 <- 3 @ 62 deg-C
MAC 1 Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 56.5 deg-C
Warning level.......: 85.0 deg-C
Shutdown level......: 95.0 deg-C
CPU Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 53.0 deg-C
Boot Prom MAC : 0012.f2d4.69c0
Management MAC: 0012.f2d4.69c0
Syntax: fan-threshold speed-3 mp <lowest value> <highest value>
The device will automatically reset and reload the software when the internal temperature reaches
or exceeds the configured shutdown level for five minutes. The system is also capable of registering
negative temperature settings.