Dell FE100 Server User Manual

6-12 User’s Guide
The right column shows the shared drives as raw, unformatted drives, with unal-
located disk capacity. The left column shows Basic disks.
If the left column shows Dynamic disks, right-click that box and select Revert to
Basic for each disk in the shared storage system.
NOTICE: Reverting disks to Basic destroys all data on the drive.
6. For each shared disk, run the Create Partition wizard by performing the following
e. In the row for the first shared disk, right-click over the right-column box.
f. Select Create Partition, and then click Next.
g. Select Primary partition, and then click Next.
h. In the next dialog box, Dell recommends choosing all available disk space.
NOTE: For additional information on partition size recommendations, see
“Cluster Quorum Resource,” found later in this chapter.
If you create multiple partitions on a single disk, the partitions will not be able to
individually move between the cluster nodes. All partitions on a given disk move
together. Therefore, Dell recommends that you run separate applications on sep-
arate disks, rather than using separate partitions on the same disk.
You may want to create a separate partition on one of your shared storage disks
for the quorum resource log files. For more information, see “Installing and Con-
figuring the Windows 2000 Cluster Service,“found later in this chapter.
i. In the next window, select the drive letter and the disk format parameters.
NOTE: All shared storage drives must be formatted with NTFS.
j. Review the selections in the windows and click Finish.
After formatting is complete, the right column for each drive shows a health
status of Healthy.
Using the Windows 2000 Dynamic Disks and Volumes
Windows 2000 does not support the use of dynamic disks (upgraded disks) or vol-
umes for shared storage disk drives. If shared storage disk drives are configured as
dynamic disks, the Cluster Configuration wizard will not be able to discover and
access the disks. If your shared storage disk drives are already configured as
dynamic, see the previous section, “Assigning Drive Letters and Formatting Drives
on the Shared Storage System” for the procedure on changing dynamic disks to basic