• Volts A/B/C
• Max Volts A/B/C
• Min Volts A/B/C
Touch INST or LONG TERM to view other
Flicker screens.
START or STOP will appear, depending on Status.
LIMITS: Limit Status
Current Limits Settings for Nexus Meters, ID 1 - 32.
For each ID number, the Type of Reading, Value,
Status (In or Out of Limit) and Setting is shown.
The first screen displays the settings for Meters ID
1 to 8.
Touch NEXT GROUP to scroll to the next screen,
which displays the settings for Meters ID
9 to 16. Touch NEXT GROUP again to view
settings for Meters ID 17 to 24 and 25 to 32.
PHASORS: Phasor Analysis
Phase Angles for Form shown at top of the screen.
• Phase
• Phase Angle Van/bn/cn
• Phase Angle Ia/b/c
• Phase Angle Vab/bc/ca
WAVEFORM: Real Time Graph.
• Channel Va/b/c
• Channel Ia/b/c
• % THD, KFactor, Frequency for
selected channel
Touch CHANNEL button to view scroll through
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
Doc #: E107706 V1.25 6-14