2--3 Settings
Voltage & Frequency Settings
The controller (CP) voltage and frequency setting can be displayed an d changed
from the keypad. See the table on the previous pag e. Some settings may require
a password (if the controller is set up for one).
¡ From any of the Status displays, press the Enter/Save Settings ¿ key to move
to the Settings level of menus.
© Press the Enter/Save Settings ¿ keytomovetotheCP Settings display.
¢ Then you can press the right arrow " key to see the other voltage andfrequency
displays (as shown below). An overview explanation of each setting is listed
5 Voltage & Frequency Menus (last menu loops back to first)
CP Settings seepage2–1
This display shows the base configuration of the controller. These settings are
hardware activated and cannot be changed from the keypad:
Nominal source voltage — Normal and Emergency sources
Normal & Emergency source sensing — single or 3 phase
Switch type — open, closed, o r delayed transition
Normal Voltage seepage2–1
This display shows pickup, dropout, and over–voltage trip settings for the
Normal source. They are in percentage of nominal voltage and volts rms.
Normal Frequency seepage2–1
This display shows pickup, dropout, and over–frequency trip settings for the
Normal source. They are in percentage of nominal frequency and Hz.
Normal Voltage Unbalance seepage2–1
This display appears only if the CP is set for 3 phase sensingon Normal. When
enabled, the CP c onsiders the Normal source unacceptable if the calculated
voltage unbalance is greater than the specified dropout.
Emerg Voltage seepage2–1
This display shows pickup, dropout, and over–voltage trip settings for the
Emergency s ource. They are in percent of nominal voltage and volts rms.
Emerg Frequency seepage2–1
This display shows pickup, dropout, and over–frequency trip settings f or
Emergency source. They are in percentage of nominal frequency and Hz.
Emerg Voltage Unbalance (not shown) see page 2–1
This display appears only if the CP is set for 3 phase sensing on Emergency.
When enabled, the CP considers the Emergency source unacceptable if the
calculated voltage unbalance is greater than the specified dropout.
Voltage DO PU
Frequency DO PU
Volt= V Freq= Hz
Phase= N: Ph E: Ph
ATS Type= TS
Dropout: % V
Pickup: % V
OV Trip: _
Dropout: % Hz
Pickup: % Hz
OF Trip: _
Enable: NO
Dropout: 20%
Pickup: 10%
Dropout: % Hz
Pickup: % Hz
OF Trip: _
Dropout: % V
Pickup: % V
OV Trip: _