141 140
TM-T88III series
② Special characters are defined by combining two characters "{" and one character. The
ASCII character "{" is defined by transmitting "{" twice consecutively.
Transmit data
Specific character ASCII Hex Decimal
SHIFT {S 7B, 53 123,83
CODE A {A 7B, 41 123, 65
CODE B {B 7B, 42 123, 66
CODE C {C 7B, 43 123, 67
FNC1 {1 7B, 31 123, 49
FNC2 {2 7B, 32 123, 50
FNC3 {3 7B, 33 123, 51
FNC4 {4 7B, 34 123, 52
"{" {{ 7B, 7B 123, 123
[Example] Example data for printing "No. 123456"
In this example, the printer first prints "No." using CODE B, then prints the following numbers
using CODE C.
GS k 73 10 123 66 78 111 46 123 67 12 34 56
• If the top of the bar code data is not the code set selection character, the printer stops
command processing and processes the following data as normal data.
• If combination of "{" and the following character does not apply any special character, the
printer stops command processing and processes the following data as normal data.
• If the printer receives characters that cannot be used in the special code set, the printer stops
command processing and processes the following data as normal data.
• The printer does not print HRI characters that correspond to the shift characters or code set
selection characters.
• HRI character for the function character is space.
• HRI characters for the control character (<00>H to <1F>H and <7F>H) are space.
<Others> Be sure to keep spaces on both right and left sides of a bar code. (Spaces are different
depending on the types of the bar code.)
GS H, GS f, GS h, GS w, Appendix J