142 141
TM-T88III series
GS r n
[Name] Transmit status
[Format] ASCII GS r
Hex 1D 72
Decimal 29 114
n = 1, 2, 49, 50
[Description] Transmits the status specified by
n as follows:
n Function
1, 49 Transmits paper sensor status
2, 50 Transmits drawer kick-out connector status
[Details] • When using a serial interface
When DTR/DSR control is selected, the printer transmits only 1 byte after confirming the host
is ready to receive data (DSR signal is SPACE). If the host computer is not ready to receive
data (DSR signal is MARK), the printer waits until the host is ready.
When XON/XOFF control is selected, the printer transmits only 1 byte without confirming the
condition of the DSR signal.
• This command is executed when the data in the receive buffer is developed. Therefore,
there may be a time lag between receiving this command and transmitting the status,
depending on the receive buffer status.
• When Auto Status Back (ASB) is enabled using GS a, the status transmitted by GS r and the
ASB status must be differentiated using the table in Appendix G.
• The status types to be transmitted are shown below:
Paper sensor status (
n = 1, 49):
Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Status for ASB
0, 1 Off 00 0 Paper roll near-end sensor: paper adequate.
On 03 3 Paper roll near-end sensor: paper near end.
2, 3 Off 00 0 Paper roll end sensor: paper adequate.
On (0C) (12) Paper roll end sensor: paper near end.
4 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.
5, 6 - - - Undefined.
7 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.
Bits 2 and 3: When the paper end sensor detects a paper end, the printer goes offline and
does not execute this command. Therefore, bits 2 and 3 do not transmit the
status of paper end.